At two days old my precious little girl was holding up her head, to everyones' surprise and pleasure. Two months old she was sitting up with assistance. Four months old, she began sitting up on her own. Yes, I got my Christmas wish! But... somewhere in there, somewhere along and between all these beautiful and exciting accomplishments, those adorable, itty bitty little hands began to get grabby. Oh the mischievousness that happens when little hands learn to grab.
Thanksgiving day, I sat at what used to be the kid table, until all the kids grew up. I had my little girl in my lap. The experience of sitting among young people with a child is new. There's all of a sudden a new perspective, as I leave the table to change a diaper, miss out on pie because I simply forgot, or realize I'm the only one that's no longer a student. Knowing that a few months ago I was in the young-person boat of worrying about rent, and getting hours at my job... and now I consider the life of a child in my arms, and her eternal destination is entirely on my head. How quickly priorities change.
As everyone laughs and coos at this little girl, whom I hold with one hand, I am waving my mashed potato laden fork through an obstacle of what seems like hundreds of flailing baby hands, to my mouth. This is also new. I read all around to introduce food, "When she starts to show interest," and I wondered (as all new parents wonder and worry) how I would know if she was showing interest. Today was that day. There was no doubt of this little baby's new interest in food, as I looked down and discovered her tiny fingers covered in the contents of my paper plate.

Then somewhere along the line, the bib started to get a little messier. And the baby started getting a little wigglier, until not only would the bib, the burp rag, and my hand towel be dripping with goodies, but so would I be. So we stopped the food for a while, and started shopping for high chairs. This was when I realized my completely vulnerable, tiny baby was not so helpless anymore, and definitely not so tiny. We shopped around, and looked for sales, and compared website prices, and blah blah blah, until I decided I wanted to feed my baby foods again! She was so sweet and perfect when she ate, and I just wanted to have that back. So I went out and bought a high chair! No sale, no coupon, straight out, paid with cash, completely committed I went home, strapped her in, got her apple sauce and....
We now start each meal with three spoons, and the dogs sit, waiting beneath the table. As soon as this rainy weather has passed, I will be investing in suction-bottom bowls. We have already invested in a few more bibs. My little eating-angel appears sometimes, but the majority of the time, there is a little beast, who though she cannot reach beyond the tray, somehow still manages to get the spoon out of my sight, and somewhere... somewhere.... somewhere on the floor.
And did I mention that she's been learning to cry for what she wants?
To say the least eating solids is great!