If you're a woman, read this blog.

If you're a woman, read this blog. If you're married to a woman, read this blog. If you need a good laugh (especially if you're a woman) read this blog, which regards a mixture of my own personal drama, my adventures within the kitchen, and my love for photography.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


So today was overcast, and beautiful, but as I prepared for an the engagement shoot of a very cute couple, my baby was dying for my attention.  I have to make sure everything is working and ready to go, so I figure I'll give her attention from behind the camera, and make her be my model (again).  I'm working with my flash on slave mode, and I'm so absorbed in trying to decide if I should even TRY to use the flash today, off, on, off, on, off, on.  Not paying a bit of attention to the beautiful and perfect girl in front of the camera, besides studying how the flash treats her skin tone.  Im in the zone.  And then I see the most hilarious and sad image pop up on my LCD screen.

Snap... snap.... snap.... AH!

Don't worry.  I rescued her.  hehe.