If you're a woman, read this blog.

If you're a woman, read this blog. If you're married to a woman, read this blog. If you need a good laugh (especially if you're a woman) read this blog, which regards a mixture of my own personal drama, my adventures within the kitchen, and my love for photography.

Saturday, March 31, 2012


Wasn't General Conference today wonderful?  I convinced my husband that we just needed to stay home and watch the broadcast, and take it easy.  I convinced him that this was the proper decision, by inviting over a couple of our friends, and promising to bake something.  In a toss-up between from-scratch cinnamon rolls and a rainbow cake, my girlfriend chose rainbow cake!  (Of course, had we asked the husbands I think cinnamon rolls would have won, but of course the girls chose rainbows!)

So we were enlightened by the wonderful words of the prophets, and then we dug into the cake mix, food coloring and of course, the fudge frosting and sprinkles!!!  And this is what came out!

This cake was so fun to make! We did however, only have ONE 6 inch cake round, so we had to do each layer at a time, one at a time, pour it, bake it, cool it, wash it, then start over.  It took forever, but the boys were at the Priesthood session, and we made burritos and then baked and baked and baked.  It was cool.

The first most exciting part was seeing the beautiful, puffy cakes popping out of the oven.  Then when we carved off the tops and got to actually see the pretty colors that was exciting too!

Anyway, last best part, was eating it.

However, the whole, long exciting process was great.  And then after the whole cake was made, we sat down and waited for the men to come home, and while we were waiting, we found my husband's puppy standing up against the counter licking, or rather, slurping the chocolate fudge frosting right off the side.  So we had an excuse to cut open the cake early and see the magic.  A.MAZE.ING!

Friday, March 30, 2012


So I just sat and flipped (scrolled?) through my blog, and realized that I started it two years ago!  Then I wondered, "Why haven't I written in so long," and I started looking at dates.  That's when I discovered that the last time I blogged (a photo blog) was likely within the week that I conceived.  So I have evidence here, that almost to the week, pregnancy has changed my life, and my priorities, even before I realized it.

I can look back at that time and know that I had something going on.  I remember a couple of wonky periods, raised hopes and negative pregnancy tests.  Then I remember throwing a fit about having gained 30 pounds from giving up the Pill.  I remember stating with conviction that I was giving up, and that the hardships of the reality of womanhood were too much.  I was going to restart the Pill the next morning, no argument from my husband, that was that, and my mind was made.  Somehow he convinced me to take a pregnancy test, "Just to be sure."  So the next day we threw a four-pack into the grocery basket, and that night I took a tinkle, which ended up being the most life changing tinkle I have ever made.

Within seconds the second line appeared, and my heart stopped (they should put a warning about that on the box, I think).  The last thing I expected was to see two lines!  I was taking this test purely to show my husband that now wasn't the time, babies were not in our near future and we needed to give up, and get my waistline back.  That was the purpose of this test.

I stared, shocked, at the test, and he stared, terrified, at me.  We sat there, frozen, for a minute, and then I smiled, probably the biggest smile that's ever graced my face.  I think our conversation followed something like this:

Michael: "What?"
Me: *smile
Michael: *shocked face
Me: *smile
Michael: "Really?!"
Me: *smile

Then we hugged, yelled, ran around, made a few phone calls, assured my mother that it was actually my own pee, promised to use the entire four-pack within the next week "Just to be sure," and somehow, somehow fell asleep that night.  I kept that stinky old test on my counter for the first two weeks, before it occurred to me it probably ought to be thrown away.  I still have a picture of it on my phone.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Wow. I began this blog to let my satirical writer-ego out, and discuss the hardships of being a woman.  Now here I am, 21 weeks and 6 days pregnant, and a total sap.  My love for satire is long gone, and my love for this little person inside of me is over-flowing.  All I can think about is how grateful I am to be a healthy woman, with a healthy baby growing inside me, and to have a wonderful man who totally forgives me for spending all day napping and eating, instead of cooking and cleaning.

But let me just get one thing out.  Everyone keeps asking me if I have yet to have felt my baby move.  I ask them what it's supposed to feel like, and I get answers like "Butterflies!" "Fluttering wings!" and "It's so magical, you'll just know!"  Well let me just go out and say that I have definitely been feeling something, and it feels nothing like magic.  What it actually feels like is that my child has a mace and an axe, and a vendetta against me.  Several times a day my breath is ripped from me when I feel a stabbing pain in my cervix, and little pings all around.  I think back to the ultra sound, when I got to watch my precious little one flexing and stretching her arms and legs, and it was so exciting, and now three weeks later those incredible little limbs are taking the breath out of me!  I have yet to feel the "magical flutter."

The first time I felt little Juliet head-butting my cervix I absolutely terrified my husband.  We were driving in the car, perhaps in search of food (like usual, these days) when I gasped for breath and grabbed my crotch, with what I imagine was a terrified look on my face.  My husband, driving, asks me what is wrong, and if I'm okay.  I instantly start to laugh, with pained gasps in-between my girly giggles.  I knew exactly what I was feeling, and was thrilled, despite the incredible discomfort.  For the first time feeling my baby move, when all I had been told up to this point was how magical the feeling would be, it definitely was enough to shock me, and scare the heck out of him.

Oh dear, the satirical writer still lives in me!  Perhaps little Juliet is doing these things to me on purpose, so that I may continue my love of... complaining?  I'm not sure.  Lets hope that this little girl will grow up to enjoy her mommy's sense of humor.  She is definitely giving me plenty to work with.  Right now, actually. Please, dear child, if you decide at any moment to give me the magical flutter instead, I promise to write nice things!