If you're a woman, read this blog.

If you're a woman, read this blog. If you're married to a woman, read this blog. If you need a good laugh (especially if you're a woman) read this blog, which regards a mixture of my own personal drama, my adventures within the kitchen, and my love for photography.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Wow. I began this blog to let my satirical writer-ego out, and discuss the hardships of being a woman.  Now here I am, 21 weeks and 6 days pregnant, and a total sap.  My love for satire is long gone, and my love for this little person inside of me is over-flowing.  All I can think about is how grateful I am to be a healthy woman, with a healthy baby growing inside me, and to have a wonderful man who totally forgives me for spending all day napping and eating, instead of cooking and cleaning.

But let me just get one thing out.  Everyone keeps asking me if I have yet to have felt my baby move.  I ask them what it's supposed to feel like, and I get answers like "Butterflies!" "Fluttering wings!" and "It's so magical, you'll just know!"  Well let me just go out and say that I have definitely been feeling something, and it feels nothing like magic.  What it actually feels like is that my child has a mace and an axe, and a vendetta against me.  Several times a day my breath is ripped from me when I feel a stabbing pain in my cervix, and little pings all around.  I think back to the ultra sound, when I got to watch my precious little one flexing and stretching her arms and legs, and it was so exciting, and now three weeks later those incredible little limbs are taking the breath out of me!  I have yet to feel the "magical flutter."

The first time I felt little Juliet head-butting my cervix I absolutely terrified my husband.  We were driving in the car, perhaps in search of food (like usual, these days) when I gasped for breath and grabbed my crotch, with what I imagine was a terrified look on my face.  My husband, driving, asks me what is wrong, and if I'm okay.  I instantly start to laugh, with pained gasps in-between my girly giggles.  I knew exactly what I was feeling, and was thrilled, despite the incredible discomfort.  For the first time feeling my baby move, when all I had been told up to this point was how magical the feeling would be, it definitely was enough to shock me, and scare the heck out of him.

Oh dear, the satirical writer still lives in me!  Perhaps little Juliet is doing these things to me on purpose, so that I may continue my love of... complaining?  I'm not sure.  Lets hope that this little girl will grow up to enjoy her mommy's sense of humor.  She is definitely giving me plenty to work with.  Right now, actually. Please, dear child, if you decide at any moment to give me the magical flutter instead, I promise to write nice things!

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