If you're a woman, read this blog.

If you're a woman, read this blog. If you're married to a woman, read this blog. If you need a good laugh (especially if you're a woman) read this blog, which regards a mixture of my own personal drama, my adventures within the kitchen, and my love for photography.

Friday, March 30, 2012


So I just sat and flipped (scrolled?) through my blog, and realized that I started it two years ago!  Then I wondered, "Why haven't I written in so long," and I started looking at dates.  That's when I discovered that the last time I blogged (a photo blog) was likely within the week that I conceived.  So I have evidence here, that almost to the week, pregnancy has changed my life, and my priorities, even before I realized it.

I can look back at that time and know that I had something going on.  I remember a couple of wonky periods, raised hopes and negative pregnancy tests.  Then I remember throwing a fit about having gained 30 pounds from giving up the Pill.  I remember stating with conviction that I was giving up, and that the hardships of the reality of womanhood were too much.  I was going to restart the Pill the next morning, no argument from my husband, that was that, and my mind was made.  Somehow he convinced me to take a pregnancy test, "Just to be sure."  So the next day we threw a four-pack into the grocery basket, and that night I took a tinkle, which ended up being the most life changing tinkle I have ever made.

Within seconds the second line appeared, and my heart stopped (they should put a warning about that on the box, I think).  The last thing I expected was to see two lines!  I was taking this test purely to show my husband that now wasn't the time, babies were not in our near future and we needed to give up, and get my waistline back.  That was the purpose of this test.

I stared, shocked, at the test, and he stared, terrified, at me.  We sat there, frozen, for a minute, and then I smiled, probably the biggest smile that's ever graced my face.  I think our conversation followed something like this:

Michael: "What?"
Me: *smile
Michael: *shocked face
Me: *smile
Michael: "Really?!"
Me: *smile

Then we hugged, yelled, ran around, made a few phone calls, assured my mother that it was actually my own pee, promised to use the entire four-pack within the next week "Just to be sure," and somehow, somehow fell asleep that night.  I kept that stinky old test on my counter for the first two weeks, before it occurred to me it probably ought to be thrown away.  I still have a picture of it on my phone.

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