If you're a woman, read this blog.

If you're a woman, read this blog. If you're married to a woman, read this blog. If you need a good laugh (especially if you're a woman) read this blog, which regards a mixture of my own personal drama, my adventures within the kitchen, and my love for photography.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

What Does Your LuLaRoe Say About You?

Yesterday, in the throes of disbelief I realized that almost all of my LuLaRoe was.... DIRTY! I looked into my closet, at my last clean Nicole, and then looked side to side at everything else. There was not a single other item in that closet that I would have chosen over my Nicole. So I headed straight to my kitchen, grabbed a garbage bag and headed to my closet with a newfound freedom. I was bagging up clothes like a crazy woman, and It. Was. Awesome.


After emptying about 30 hangers and taking them out of the closet, I set into my LuLaRoe laundry basket (yes, my LuLaRoe gets it's own basket) and was determined to get through the entire basket in a day, to fill my now empty closet with beautiful clothing that makes me FEEL beautiful. I wanted to see it all hanging there at one time. How many of us can look into our closet and see something that fits us on every single hanger? And then I realized, these clothes don't just fit my body, they fit something even more important: my personality! 

Let's take a look at just my Nicole dresses for a second: 


Personality, right?! And that's not even including the beauty I am wearing right now!


Seeing my laundry hanging up to dry brought me so much joy, because I realized that for the first time in my life, I am CONFIDENTLY dressing my truth! I am not just dressing my body, I am dressing ME! How much greater that is than just fitting my curves; I am also fitting the complex set of experiences and traits that make me into who I am!

Then as I continued in my laundry day, I started seeing some patterns. Let's look at my leggings for a second!


I am certain that I have heard my husband tell me at some point, "Don't get those leggings, you already have a pair in that color." First of all: he's such a guy. Secondly: who says that I can't have a favorite color? I was slightly aware, but not entirely, that almost all of my leggings have the same colors in them, of course with variations of others, because, let's face it, I'm me. Aquamarine, turquoise and mint are my best friends. I will tell you that I bought a pair of red leggings once (it was a unicorn!) and as soon as I put them on my legs it was offensive to my SOUL! I know they look killer on whoever has them now, but for me, I kept the blue pair that matched (I was hoarding the deers) and traded the red pair, because I KNEW I would never wear them, even though I thought they were crazy awesome on someone else.

(Now let me say for a second, this is by no means a show-off or contest of how much LuLaRoe I own. We all know I have hosted a bajillion parties in the last year, earning most of my LuLaRoe for free, while my family was barely off of WIC and foodstamps. Poverty did not hold me back from realizing the importance of dressing myself with love, of caring for myself, or realizing that I am worth it. With thoughtful decisions and hard work, anyone can do this!)

So I started noticing patterns in color, but then I noticed a few other patterns as well, quite literally!


I love circles. It's totally a thing. I freaking love circles.


I also love florals. The brighter the floral the better. Throw some neon in there and I can't even go on. 
(Let me also throw in here, a note: I literally earned five of these pieces for free, and only paid full price for one of them. Host parties, ladies!) Anyway, the first floral I earned for free (the purple one!) I actually thought it was hideous. Grandma. But I had all this credit for free dresses and it had cerulean in it, so I was sold. I literally stood in the mirror for ten minutes when it arrived, in awe at myself in a floral. I never turned back. I. Love. Floral.

I could go on and on about my pattern choices, but instead I'll just leave this here.


I like feathers, too.

Now, there are a couple of pieces in my LuLaRoe wardrobe that I don't feel completely natural in. I love these pieces on the hanger, but when I put them on, often times they make me feel like I have to wear a certain makeup, style my hair a certain way, accessories are required even if I don't want them, and it takes a lot of effort, and then I take them off and put on my sunglasses dress. These are them. Tell me if you notice a difference: 


And on that note, I bought the red floral Nicole over a YELLOW version of my sunglasses dress, and I literally still lose sleep over that decision. For real. 

So laundry day opened up my eyes a little bit about my shopping tendencies. It was seriously a fun laundry day! Like a personality quiz, way better than Buzzfeed. And then I had this thought: has anyone else analyzed their personal fashion like this?! I'm sure someone has, maybe a lot of people do? But have YOU?

So, if you've made it this far (Hi, Mom!) you're officially into the good stuff! I am going to start something new in LuLaRoe Serena McRae, with the assistance of my bestie, Anna Schumacher! 

Wardrobe Profiling: What Does Your LuLaRoe Say About You?

I am going to create an album where I want YOU to photograph your leggings together, and your nicoles together, your Randys together, etc! Then Anna and I will go through your pictures and help you discover your tendencies. You can make a photo of your absolute favorite pieces that make you feel like you're sparkling, and the pieces you don't wear as often. And together we can create a fashion profile for you! 

Why are we going to do this? 1) FOR FUN! 2) I am your fashion consultant! If we can create a fashion profile for you, you might just get personal recommendations from me, outfits made JUST FOR YOU, or private messages when I find something that is literally perfect for you! 

So here's what I want you to do!

1) Photograph your favorites, then photograph your least favorites. Photograph your leggings, and your other pieces together in separate photos. 

2) Find the Wardrobe Profile album in LuLaRoe Serena McRae, and post one image of your favorite LuLaRoe pieces and caption it with your name! 

3) post your other photographs in the comments of that picture.

4) Get ready to have a fun conversation about your shopping tendencies, your personality, your styles, and whatever else!

5) Recieve LuLaRoe recommendations from me! 

This is going to be fun!!! As fun as my love for blue!


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