If you're a woman, read this blog.

If you're a woman, read this blog. If you're married to a woman, read this blog. If you need a good laugh (especially if you're a woman) read this blog, which regards a mixture of my own personal drama, my adventures within the kitchen, and my love for photography.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


So there's these times in my photographic life where I would say, "Hey peeps! Let me take your pictures, so I can have a blast, and practice my skillz and be awl awesome and stuff fo' realz!"  And then I take their pictures, and never ever ever ever ever ever ever do anything else.  I sit on an emotional treasure trove for someone else, and totally forget about it!  Sometimes I forget about it for a whole year!!!!!!!  And it's pretty much guaranteed that they'll never ever see those images, until they use my greatest weakness against me, free baby stuff!!!  My good, good friend (in fact, one of my favorite friends) recently told me, "I have three bags and a box of baby stuff for you, and I am holding them ransom until I get my pictures!"  So what did I do?  The easiest thing ever, and dug into my archive (there was some serious sifting, due to a whole YEARS worth of pictures), and now she finally has the pictures she's been waiting waayyy too long to have.  Not to mention they were her pregnancy pictures, and she should have gotten them like a week after I took them...  At least before the baby was a year old!  So there's my rant to myself.  And here's my favorite image of the big sister:

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