If you're a woman, read this blog.

If you're a woman, read this blog. If you're married to a woman, read this blog. If you need a good laugh (especially if you're a woman) read this blog, which regards a mixture of my own personal drama, my adventures within the kitchen, and my love for photography.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


There might be a theme in my life.  Maybe the theme is telling me that I should be a zoologist, a biologist, or a veterinarian.  Or maybe I can stick with the idea that taking photographs of animals is pretty much my favorite hobby.  I like that a little bit.

 This weekend we celebrated my birthday by going to the coolest zoo in Arizona, Wildlife World!  We had a blast, and treated it like a photographic safari.  We enjoyed the animals, and enjoyed discussing apertures and shutter speeds the whole time.  It was the best birthday ever, including my two favorite things at once, super cool animals, and photography!

 So since I had such a great time, I have to share more than one image, of course.

Poison dart frogs!  These tiny amphibians are absolutely incredible.  So many incredible colors on an animal that's only about an inch long!  So amazing!

This fish was one of my absolute favorites!  Discos!  Doesn't that name seem absolutely appropriate for this colorful cutie?

According to my husband Zebras are just big, stupid horses, and as I photographed these beautiful beasts, he enjoyed startling them time after time, just like big, stupid horses.

I loved this trip to the zoo, because as William Beebe said, "Modern man's trip to the zoo... is his emergency return to nature."  It was so amazing to view, and contemplate all of these incredible animals, covered in colors, patterns and textures.  It was definitely obvious that the Lord enjoyed creating this beautiful Earth for us to enjoy!  How grateful I am for this planet, covered in so much beauty, and to capture that beauty in photographs.