If you're a woman, read this blog.

If you're a woman, read this blog. If you're married to a woman, read this blog. If you need a good laugh (especially if you're a woman) read this blog, which regards a mixture of my own personal drama, my adventures within the kitchen, and my love for photography.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Getting pregnant, it can take so much time! So here I am, nine months after the start of this blog, and this conception plan, and no baby to show for it!  I do however have a big ol' bump to show for it, unfortunately lacking the baby within.  What's going on?!  Since I said sayonara to my measured out hormones, and my perfectly balanced life, I unwittingly said the same to my waistline!

Since the day I went of of the pill there were several immediate signs of...  What do you call it?  Womanhood?  Insanity?  I'm not sure, but there were immediate signs that my body, my moods, and my personality were changing.  I have of course, shared some of those changes with you.  I'm moody, grouchy, grumpy, however you want to name it.  I'm whiney and selfish.  I no longer choose to wield the tools of a strong woman, and I make my husband fix all of my problems (What? Isn't that what they're for?)  And all the problems the husband can't fix, are quickly cured with large doses of sugar and fat.  To say the least, I've become a lump on the inside.  AND THEN all of a sudden I looked in the mirror, and I have also become a lump on the outside!  (It's funny how the whole, beauty on the inside thing works out...)  So here I am, thirty pounds heavier than I was last year, as I prepared for my wedding day, and slipped flawlessly into that beautiful white dress.  MmHm.

So finally after a couple months of realizing this was happening and doing nothing about it, I stood on the scale and instead of skulking off to the fridge, I stood upright and looked myself in the mirror!  I am beautiful (I have no doubt about that).  I have a strong will (My husband will tell you all about it).  I am lactose intolerant (Why didn't I just listen to the pleading of my bowels?).  I have nothing standing in my way of once again being the hot mama Michael married.

Losing weight is easy, I've done it before.  Luckily I have a bit more confidence and self-esteem than the last time I weighed this much.  This time I also have a man who loves me, and will willingly watch me suffer through it all (no doubt while stuffing cookies in his mouth).  I am ready.  I can do this.  I am going to be back to my proper weight in no time, but I'm not stopping there!  I'm going to change my whole life.  I'm going to change my lifestyle.  I'm going to be that skinny girl in yoga class that smells like lavender and sage.  I'm going to be vegan.

VEGAN!  But it's not for the animals, not even for the baby ones.  I'm going to be Vegan so that I will learn to love vegetables.  I'm going to learn how to cook them, and eat them raw.  I'm going to live off of grains the way nature intended, and screw oil!  Goodbye fat!  Hello crunchy delicious bell peppers.  I'm so ready for this!

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